Monday, January 27, 2014

Britain's Politics

       Something that I found intersting in Britiain's politics is the topic of Immigration. 

Immigration here in the U.S is a an important topic and is always presented in the news, so it 

was interesting to me to see what Britain's view on immigration is. 

       Cutting Immigration 'will harm deficit reduction,' this was the news title. The news 

focused on how cutting immigration can increase Britain's debt to GDP ratio, meaning that 

immigrants improve things because when they become older they are least likely to claim for 

benefits and to even give in to the economy."Because they’re more likely to be working age, 

they're more likely to be paying taxes and less likely to have relatively large sums of money 

spent on them for education, for long-term care, for healthcare, for pension expenditure," 

Robert Chote said. 

       In the UK most immigrants arrived at a "working age" this ends up saving tax payers 

education costs. Although this does sound good to the people in Britain, thoughts on cutting 

it differ. For example the younger generation some think is good some do not agree, while 

the AB social classes have a non negative view on immigration.

1 comment:

  1. I personally find this topic in British politics interesting as well on a sociological standpoint. On a country scale, Britains use of immigrants to better their economy is wise, but on the scale of a person that is affected by this, someone who wouldn't receive the benefits of the taxes that are taken from them fully would consider this unfair. It is a touchy subject but personally I feel that Britain is ruling its economy with a gentle hand towards its citizens that also has an iron glove to handle the ones who go their illegally. Personally I feel that its wrong for immigrants to be treated that way but I also understand that Britain does this to ensure the financial stability of its country.
