Monday, April 14, 2014


                      It is said that Nigeria can be a country full of greatness, or like some call of it a "powerhouse." Nigeria has a population of 177 million, thus making a country that can succeed in so many ways. Nigeria is full of people who attend universities, looking for jobs, and who speak English as well. The issue is that unfortunately the countryside of the country is full of poverty, to be exact a hundred million are considered to be living in poverty.
                  When there is a job opening there are only a few spots open, and the applicants are much more. Not only employment is an issue but Nigeria also lacks electricity. The fact is that the country can not develop without electricity thus making the country difficult to prosper.

Monday, April 7, 2014


          Brazil has thirty two political parties registered as of now. From those thirty two, twenty six

have a words like "democrat" "social" and "workers." Another interesting fact about Brazil's political

parties that even those who are on the left do not consider themselves the right. Many say that they

would consider the country's parties conservative. The thing about Brazil that people do not consider

themselves in the left.  Most of the country (half) have a right wing  view on social issues like, gun

control and death penalty.

       Brazil's economic view is that as the country grows richer, people feel like they would rather

keep their gains instead of sharing them. The fact that the way going and growing it could quickly


Monday, March 31, 2014


            Mexico now is officially known as Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Mexico is compromised of 31 states, and one federal district.
          It is not a secret that Mexico is in high violence, and that everyday the country is suffering due to the country being involved with drug dealing, but besides that there is also a high population of immigrants in Mexico. Most immigrants in Mexico derived from central america. Many people especially children are left behind due to not being able to cross the border like they were promised. They end up paying up to five thousand dollars for nothing. Mexico is trying to put a stop to this and help the children that are left in Mexico with no one to turn to.

Monday, March 24, 2014


        In the next month India will be preparing for their national elections. A candidate that is being

looked closely is Narendra Modi, from the Bharatiya Jahata party, many say that he can change the

economy of India. Although there are also many that say that it can be false hope. There are reasons

behind some believing that the economy can not change, some of them are that the projects that can

help boost the economy are being put in a hold because there is not enough funds. There is also that

some investments and projects are just waiting for an approval from the state government and not the

federal government.
       Apparently two thirds of the projects that are waiting approval from the federal government are

in the power and steel sectors which in result are in massive capacity, therefore making any new

investment unnecessary.  In result some say that whatever the election results are not much is going

to chafe for India's economy, and there is hope for India but that it will not be on who will be the next

prime minister of India.

Monday, March 17, 2014


                 It is not surprising that when it comes to politics men are always the one that dominate in
that specific area. In some other countries are more noticeable. For example, China a country that is
known for its interesting politics and the "great" role that men play. During a news conference a
delegate stated that their male leader are too "superb." With that female themselves in China have a
low standard view on them, and maybe that just due to the fact that their society has been build that
way. Many Chinese feminist and journalist have pointed out that there has never been a female ruling
in the Communist Party's Poltiburo Standing Committee and that there is only one female in the
communist party.

Zhang Hui, mayor of Weihai states: “In any country there is a pyramid, with many people at the 
bottom and the numbers contracting as you rise. For men the pyramid is fatter in the 
middle, but for women, perhaps the higher you rise, the harder it is to rise,” she said, using her hands to show two shapes — a generous, inverted “U” for men, and a tighter, inverted “T” for women. “That’s the case in every country, not just in China.” 
         The fact is that in china it is hard for women to gain recognition in various things but especially in government related. The women in China are working hard so this changes and have more females be in politics and held positions.

Monday, March 10, 2014



              "Moscow denounces gun attack on pro-Russian activists in    Eastern Ukraine"

       At the moment there is a lot of things that are occurring in Russia's government, the main on of 

course is no other the relation with Ukraine. With all the unpleasant situations, many protest are 


         The Russian Foreign Ministry does not seem content with western governments, due to the fact 

that Ukraine becomes alarm of incidents and situations. One of the major ones was a gun attack on a 

pro Russian rally. People who saw the incident stated that during the rally a mini van with around 

seven people just drove in. The men in the van had bats and started threatening to kill some people in 

the rally. They also started shooting people and wounded even one person. The rally was to demand a 

"regional referendum" in order to either join Russia or to follow Crimea's suit. 

        The major problem about this is that unofortuantely in the west, incidents like this are 

overlooked and not even consider life threatening, according to the Russian foreign ministry. The 

whole incident and primary issue has to do with the Crimea. The Crimean authorities have made it a 

must, that the Ukrainian law enforcement and the military deployment has to take orders from them. 

With that they have asked Russian for support on this and assistance as well.      


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


             Education in general is very important to almost every country. In politics it is always a topic that it is brought up, and that has an immense impact on so many people. The Japanese government is focusing on education Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants children in Japan to have national pride. The focus of this was to better the kind of teachings the students are receiving.
          "We intend to implement a fundamental reform of the existing system" Mr. Abe addressed the parliamentary session. This is being done by revising manuals of teachings to both high and middle schools. The main issue with these manuals is that it includes many different things, for example Takeshima is stated as being "illegally occupied" and that Japan has "repeatedly lodge protest." The issue is that Japan is being seen in avery completely light, and many do not seem to agree with it. 

I found this next paragraph extremely important and wanted to share: 
"Mr. Abe has long called for an overhaul in Japan’s education system to revive patriotism among the Japanese. 'After the war, the Japanese have single-mindedly blamed nationalism as the cause of the war and the reason for our defeat. As a result, the notion that the state is evil has become lodged in the corners of the minds of the post-war population,' Mr. Abe wrote in his book “Towards a Beautiful Country” written in 2006 and revised last year.  'It is the failure of the post-war education that the Japanese are unable to think from the perspective of national interest or rather, avoid doing so.'"

Sunday, February 9, 2014

German Politics

                  "Tax evasion returns to Germans spotlight with politician Schmitz, feminist Schwarzer." This is was the title of one of Germany's news. I was drawn to this new report because taxes or anything that has to do with money are very important in many countries, and not only that but they are huge deal when it comes to politics, and are cared by not only politicians but also just any people. The article basically explains how there has been two "high profile tax evasion" cases. It continues by explaining that one involved a social democrat politician in Berlin and the other one involved the most "influential feminist" in Germany Alice Schwarzer. 
                  It was found that politician Schmitz in 2012 had a swiss bank account, where he had 425,000 euros in which today's rate would be around 575,000, without paying taxes on the interest. Then we have Alice Schwatzer, who admitted having a Swiss account since the 1980's. Schwatzer tried to solve this by paying 200,000 euros in back taxes and interest. With these cases Social Democrats are rejecting German-Swiss deal to put to a stop to tax evasion. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

French Politics

                    We are all familiar with the Tea Party here in the United States, well it seems that now a tea party is emerging in France, on the far right of French politics. This was stated by France's Interior Minister Manual Valls. This came up because of all the situations that are happening in France right now. In France there has been rallies uprising, a significant one has been the anti-gay marriage rally. "Anti-gay marriage rally scheduled to take place in Paris Sunday, Valls expressed deep concern at a society tormented by the dark forces of division' and called on what he termed 'the Republican right' of French politics, to distance itself from these groups." Valls stated that after seeing the way French politics are going and is going through that it would not be surprised that a tea party can emerged, in fact that the creation of a tea party is being witnessed. 

           '''Bound up with the crisis of leadership of the right [in French politics], and faced with the refocusing of the [far right] Front National [political party],” Valls said, “a conservative and reactionary right has come into being. With opposition to marriage for all [same-sex marriage reform], it has increased its forces tenfold. It occupies the streets as it considers that the left [Socialist Party] in power is not legitimate.'''

Monday, January 27, 2014

Britain's Politics

       Something that I found intersting in Britiain's politics is the topic of Immigration. 

Immigration here in the U.S is a an important topic and is always presented in the news, so it 

was interesting to me to see what Britain's view on immigration is. 

       Cutting Immigration 'will harm deficit reduction,' this was the news title. The news 

focused on how cutting immigration can increase Britain's debt to GDP ratio, meaning that 

immigrants improve things because when they become older they are least likely to claim for 

benefits and to even give in to the economy."Because they’re more likely to be working age, 

they're more likely to be paying taxes and less likely to have relatively large sums of money 

spent on them for education, for long-term care, for healthcare, for pension expenditure," 

Robert Chote said. 

       In the UK most immigrants arrived at a "working age" this ends up saving tax payers 

education costs. Although this does sound good to the people in Britain, thoughts on cutting 

it differ. For example the younger generation some think is good some do not agree, while 

the AB social classes have a non negative view on immigration.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Nationalism today is very important to us. After the turmoil in Egypt, Muslims and Egyptians are coming together to stand behind their flag. Sentiments to help their country has led for unity. Christians were scared that Egypt would become an Islamic state and Muslims have strongly objected this idea. Both religions are fighting for their country. Through history both religions have had conflicts and disagreements. This is an example of how nationalism has prevailed during a chaotic time. The uprisings in Egypt has led to unity among the people of Egypt.

       Egyptian nationalism “is the broad umbrella under which a coalition of anti-Brotherhood forces has assembled.”  An important factor to point out is that back in the days the problems surfaced from an external threat, while today is come from Egypt itself.